More details about the assignment submission requirements will be posted later.

Groups must be formed by Friday 9/14, end of class (but you are strongly encouraged to do this earlier)

Due: Friday 9/21 at 10AM

In this homework you will build a simple key value (KV) store similar to the one we discussed in class. This is a group assignment. Each group can have between 1-4 students.

To complete the assignment you must:

  • Write a client and a server in C, Python, or Java that supports the Basic GW-KV protocol described below (60 points)
  • Add extra features from the list below (25 points)
  • Evaluate the performance of your KV store’s throughput and latency (15 points)

Basic GW-KV Protocol

Your KV Store must use an ASCII based protocol. You can make the following assumptions about the keys and values in the system:

  • Keys are strings composed of only letters and numbers. Keys are at most 64 characters long.
  • Values are strings composed of any ASCII symbols except for new line characters. Values are at most 1KB in size.

Your KV Store should support the following operations:

  • SET adds a key and value to the server
  • GET returns a value to the client for the requested key
  • STATS returns a count of objects currently stored in the KV store

You should precisely describe all of the messages in your protocol in your file.

The Client and Server

You can write your client and server in C, Python, or Java. You must use the socket interface for communication. If you use Java, you may use the server provided in HW 1 as a base.

The Server should store keys and values in a data structure such as a hash table. You do not need to write your own code for the hash table. For the basic server implementation you do not need to do anything complicated for memory management (i.e., you do not need to implement your own eviction policy and can assume that your KV store will not run out of space). The server does not need to support parallelism (multi-threading).

The Client must accept command line arguments in this form (assuming a C implementation):

./client <server> <operation> <key> <value>

where <server> is the host name or IP of the server (possibly localhost for testing), <operation> can be (at least) GET, SET, or STATS, and <key> and <value> are strings used depending on whether it is a GET or SET. (The arguments should not include <> when run on the command line)

Each client socket connection should issue a single request before closing.

You may use different languages for the client and server if you would like.

Extra Features

Depending on your group size you will need to implement additional features to increase the complexity of your KV store.

  • Groups with 1-2 members must implement 1 additional feature.
  • Groups with 3-4 members must implement 3 additional features.

Possible extra features include:

  • Support for binary values
  • Support for a binary-based protocol
  • Support parallelism in the server using threads (note that the HW 1 java server already does this, so you cannot use that code to qualify for this extra feature)
  • Support parallelism using non-blocking IO
  • Support a fixed sized data store with an eviction policy
  • Support a MULTISET operation that allows several key/value pairs to be added in a single connection
  • Support a MULTIGET operation that allows several key/value pairs to be retrieved in a single connection
  • Support for large value sizes
  • Support for both TCP and UDP
  • Evaluation of the server with clients on at least 3 different machines spread across a WAN environment (they cannot all be on the GW network)
  • Something else (you must post your idea to Piazza to get approval)

Performance Evaluation

You must measure the throughput (number of requests per second) and latency (milliseconds from when socket opens until it is closed) that your server can support. You may want to create a different client program to do this test. Your performance testing client should measure the performance of at least 10,000 operations made to the server.

In addition to testing the throughput and latency of SET and GET requests, you should also evaluate the extra feature(s) that you added. For example, if your server supports large value sizes, then you should evaluate how the size of the value affects latency and throughput.

Group Formation

You can use Piazza to communicate with other classmates who are looking for a team. Once you have determined all the members of your team, use this GitHub Assignment to create your team’s repository. The first member of the group will have to create the team by assigning it a name. Be sure to only join the team with the name of your group. Then you must complete this form to provide the instructor with a list of all team members and the language you plan to use.

Academic Integrity

You must follow these rules for this assignment:

  • You may not share code with students in different groups.
  • You may not search for and copy key value store code from the internet
  • You may not search for and copy highly related code on the internet, such as a multi-threaded server
  • You may discuss your approach to doing performance evaluation with students in other groups